How To Create a Fillable PDF
You don't have to be a designer or even have a design department handy to be able to bypass that printer. All you need is Acrobat!
Customizing Images for Social Media
If you're someone who really enjoys posting to social media, or if you just want to maintain complete control over your social platforms and just want to up your game, I've got good news— it's still surprisingly easy, and you can do it right from your mobile device!
All Those Logos - Logo File Types and Their Uses
"Congratulations on your beautiful new brand design! Here is a Google Drive link to 724 different logo variations for you!" <insert panic face emoji here>
The Golden Ratio
In our modern world, you can find the influence of the Golden Ratio almost everywhere you look. Websites you visit, the apps on your phone, photography, the architecture of buildings, the logos of your favorite brands, and even in the music you listen to and the movies you watch on Netflix.
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