Welcome to our 11 Questions series where we ask random Storm Cloud clients 11 questions that dive deep into the core of who they really are. We certainly enjoyed learning more about Mo and we hope you do too!
Meet Mo!

Mo Holloman is the CEO of moholloman.com and an actor, comedian, improviser, writer, host, and just an all-around fantastic personality! Mo loves performing with her improv troupe, Siblings Improv, and starring in various commercials whenever she gets the opportunity. When she is not working her tail off, she enjoys spending time with her husband Dave, or as she so lovingly refers to him “The World’s Greatest Man”, and enjoys being the best dog mom to Dexter the Red Doberman.

What brought you to Storm Cloud Marketing?
I met the Storm Cloud Marketing team several years ago while doing a shoot for Habitat for Humanity in Joplin. My improv troupe was asked to be in the commercial and as soon as I heard Dustin speaking with a Scottish brogue, I knew I'd found lifelong pals.
What services do you utilize the Storm team for?
This incredible team has helped me with multiple projects over the years. They're my go-to team for all things marketing-related. More recently, they developed my branding, created my website, and helped me get my new company MoHolloman.com ready for launch.

Who is your favorite Storm team member? (We won’t tell!)
Navy. Hands down. The second runner-up is Luna. You're allowed to share this information. Please also tell whoever is in charge of posting on social media that we don't see nearly enough of Luna.
What are 3 of the most important apps/websites you use for your business every day?
- www.canva.com
- www.trello.com
- Google Calendar
I’m an organizing queen!
Who has been the most influential person in your career and why?
My husband. He's my greatest partner and encourager. He's brilliant and creative. Dave is behind all my proudest moments. If you'd like me to do an interview about Dave, I could fill your storage devices full of all the ways he's propelled me forward. Please don't take this the wrong way, however. I still want MY credit. ;)
What is one piece of advice you would give someone who is interested in pursuing a career in your field?
No matter what field you're in, ask for help. You don't have to figure anything out the hard way if you don't want to and don't listen to anyone who projects their struggle onto your experience. Fly high. Go for it. Bring others in. Take people you admire to lunch. Be vulnerable. That's several pieces of advice but I am not exactly a rule follower. My final piece of advice? Break some rules and follow your OWN intuition. Specifically, break a lot of small rules. Example: When you’re asked for ONE piece of advice, give lots of pieces of advice. No one will really care and they’ll come to expect you to push the envelope when you know it will be better if you do.
What are you most looking forward to for your business in the coming year?
I'm only JUST moving into the end of my first year. I'm learning. With learning comes more clarity around purpose and mission. I look forward to continuing to discover (on a deeper level) how that will translate.
What is the most important lesson you have learned at your job/business?
I'm not an equestrian but I believe riders are coached to move with the horse (as not to bounce around). Not a horse person? Me either. How about, "resistance is futile"? Do you see where I'm going? Basically, my biggest lesson has been around the message of flowing. Always welcome exactly what happens. We can plan every detail and still not be able to control everything. Prepare your best. Release control. Embrace what comes. The less energy you waste fighting against what's happening, the more energy you have to experience the joy in allowing. I have lost count of the moments I stopped "fighting" and enjoyed all that comes with it.
If you could have lunch with one celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
These types of questions make me sweat. I actually read this question a week before I started working on these responses and shut down. This is too much pressure! There are too many people I want to meet and you want me to choose ONE?! Okay, let's see...I'm going to go with Ted Sarandos (CEO of Netflix). Somebody give me a show already!
Where is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?
Scotland. I traveled there 15 years or more ago. Ever since I've dreamed of returning. I have a fantasy of living in Pitlochry on the edge of town. I'm close enough to walk everywhere I want to go. There's a beautiful theatre near Fish Ladder. The first time I saw it, I closed my eyes and dreamed of performing on its stage. When I idealize another life, I'm often drawn to this picturesque existence.
What are your top 3 favorite movies?
- Starship Troopers
- The Big Lebowski
- Bulworth
We hope you enjoyed learning about our client and friend Mo! If you would like to learn more about Mo be sure to check out her website here!